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CIA Eligibility Requirement

Education Requirement

Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from an accredited university or college. A copy of the candidate’s highest qualification, transcripts or other written proof of completion of a degree program must be submitted with the application.

An alternate path to eligibility for candidates who do not possess a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited university is also available. Candidates may now become eligible for the CIA, subject to approval, who possesses five years of verified experience in internal audit or its equivalent. Refer to Internal Audit Practitioner programme for information.

Work Experience

A CIA candidate must obtain a minimum of 24 months of internal auditing experience or its equivalent based on the education level of Bachelor's Degree. Equivalent experience means experience in audit/assessment disciplines, including external auditing, quality assurance, compliance, and internal control. Work experience for The IIA's certification programs is based on the maximum level of education achieved.

Education Level Work Experience Required
Master's Degree 12 months - internal auditing experience or its equivalent
Bachelor's Degree 24 months - internal auditing experience or its equivalent
Non Degree 60 months - internal auditing experience or its equivalent

Work experience must be verified by a CIA, a CCSA, a CFSA, a CRMA or the candidate's supervisor. The Experience Verification may accompany the application or be submitted before or after taking the examination. However, the form must be completed in CCMS and received by The IIA within the program eligibiltiy period before a candidate can become certified.


Proof of Identification

Candidates must provide proof of identification in the form of a copy of the candidate’s official passport or national identity card. These must indicate current status; expired documents will not be accepted.

Eligibility Period

Effective September 2019, the certification program’s eligibility requires candidates to complete the program certification process within three years of application approval. If a candidate has not completed the certification process within three years, all fees and exam parts will be forfeited.


The CIA exam is a non-disclosed examination. Candidates in the program agree to keep the contents of the CIA exam confidential and therefore may not discuss the specific exam content with anyone except The IIA's Certification Department. Unauthorised disclosure of exam material will be considered a breach of the Code of Ethics and could result in disqualification of the candidate or other appropriate censure.

Code of Ethics

CIA candidates agree to abide by the Code of Ethics established by The IIA.

Certification Renewal Policy

Annual Certification Renewal: Upon certification, CIAs are required to maintain their knowledge and skills and stay abreast of improvements and current developments in the government auditing environment. For details, refer to Certification Renewal.

IIA Membership

Candidates may be a member of The Institute of Internal Auditors Singapore in order to take any of the IIA Certifications at members' rates, and be familiar with The IIA’s Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and agree to abide by The IIA’s Code of Ethics which sets forth standards of conduct for all members and certificants.