IA Awareness Resources
At The IIA, advocacy is actively reaching out on behalf of internal auditors everywhere to promote and elevate the value of the work they do, and to educate and influence key stakeholders.
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) supports efforts to raise awareness of the internal audit profession and its value. The aim is not only to dispel misperceptions of the profession, but also to enhance the business community’s knowledge of the essential role internal auditing plays in strong organisational governance, internal control, and effective risk management. When management and boards of directors come to fully appreciate the value of internal auditing, they ensure the internal audit activity is adequately sourced and effectively utilised. Similarly, as the general public becomes more familiar with what internal auditors do, the number of individuals who consider it a viable career option rises, fueling the profession with greater talent.
As an internal audit professional, you play an important role in raising awareness and elevating the profession. Whether you are actively involved in your local chapter, new to the field, part of an extensive audit team, or the sole practitioner at your organisation, there’s something you can do to elevate the profession. To guide you in this effort, The IIA is pleased to provide the following resources and toolkits in your efforts in raising awareness to the profession:
The internal audit profession was honored by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) when a group IIA staff and volunteer leaders rang the opening bell on June 30. View “The Power of Advocacy” to learn more about The IIA’s efforts to advance the profession.
Access this toolkit for creative ideas, tips, and easy-to-use tools and templates to promote the value of internal audit!
The Global Advocacy Platform has been developed to support the advocacy efforts of IIA institutes, chapters, volunteers, members, and other practitioners and stakeholders of the profession. At the core of this document are the six Pillars of Good Governance, each underpinned by four supporting statements. Collectively, these capture in plain terms the central role internal auditing plays in helping organizations achieve their goals. They are intended to be bold and impactful without being highly technical.
Position Papers assist a wide range of interested parties, but are primarily designed to inform and educate internal audit stakeholders on issues of importance to The IIA and the profession. Their focus is generally related to significant governance, risk, or control issues, and delineating the associated roles and responsibilities of internal auditing.
For more information on promoting the profession, refer here for more information.