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Types of Individual Membership

Ordinary Member
The class of Ordinary Member of the Institute shall be open to persons who perform internal audit functions, no matter by what titles they are designated, provided that they possess a recognised degree and/or professional qualification with at least one (1) year of practical experience in internal audit or related auditing areas to be evaluated by the Membership & Certification Committee.

Associate Member
The class of Associate Member of the Institute shall be open to those in public accounting practice, non-practising accountants and others at the discretion of the 
Membership & Certification Committee, provided such persons cannot qualify as Ordinary Members.

Student Member
The class of Student Member of the Institute shall be open to those full-time students of tertiary institutions, such as polytechnics and universities engaged in the study of internal auditing or related courses who cannot qualify as an Ordinary Member or an Associate Member.


Membership Fee 

Membership fee will cover from 1 July to 30 June the following year. The annual membership fee for Individual Members is S$335. For new applicant, there is a one-time non-refundable application fee of S$20. Fees are quoted before GST.
Note: The one-time application fee of S$20 is non-refundable should your membership application not meet the membership criteria upon application.