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IIA Singapore Library

The IIA Singapore Library has more than 500 current publications relating to the practice of mainstream and specialised topics in Internal Audit. Access to the Library is complimentary and for members only.

We also have several CDs that are ideal for individual and group instruction that cover a wide range of Internal Audit related topics. You may also purchase selected publications from The Internal Audit Foundation Bookstore.

The Library is located at the IIA Singapore Office. View the complete listing of books, CDs and publications here.

137 Telok Ayer Street


Singapore 068602

Tel : 6324 9029

Latest Arrivals


Third-Party Risk Management: Driving Enterprise Value

Linda Tuck Chapman


The Internal Audit Handbook: The Business Approach to Driving Audit Value

Hans Beumer


A Journey into Auditing Culture

Grant Thornton – United Kingdom, Susan Jex, and Eddie J. Best

Sawyer's Internal Auditing - Enhancing and Protecting Organization Value 7th Edition
The Internal Audit Foundation 
  New Auditor's Guide to Internal Auditing
Bruce R. Turner
  One World. One Company.
Fredrik Haren


















You may borrow or reserve a maximum of 2 books. 

a)  Reservations

  • Reservations must be made through the Secretariat in advance before collection.

b)  Borrowing Period

  • The borrowing period is 2 weeks for general reference books and 1 week for exam materials.
  • You must inform the Secretariat before the due date should you require an extension of the borrowing period. The member is entitled to one extension only. Extension is not applicable to exam materials.

c)  Penalty Fees

  • Books must be returned on due date unless an extension is granted, failure of which a penalty charge of $10 for the first week and $5 per day thereafter for the duration of the overdue period will be levied. No reminder will be issued.
  • If the penalty charges are not settled for the late return of the books, the member will be barred from making use of the Library.
  • Care must be exercised in the handling of the books, diskettes and CDs including the attachments. All attachments must be returned intact. In case of misplaced, lost or damaged books, the replacement cost of the books including shipping plus 20% administration charge will be levied. In cases where the attachments are lost or damaged, the member will have to pay for the full cost of the book which comes with the attachment. The payment for lost items does not include penalty charge that is levied for late returns.
  • All charged levied must be settled in full upon the return of the books.
  • There will be no refund once payment is made even if the lost item is found later.

d)  Copyrights

  • All members are expected to respect the originality and integrity of contributions made by individual authors. It is the responsibility of all members to comply with the provisions of the Copyright Act when duplicating works.
  • IIA Singapore takes a serious view of any infringement of copyright by all members and a contravention of the provisions of the Copyright Act is deemed to be a breach of the IIA Global's Code of Ethics, which could result in disciplinary action.