Course Funding Overview
- SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
- Skills Development Fund (SDF)
- SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Funding
- NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
1. SkillsFuture Credit Eligible Courses - only for Self-sponsored
All Singaporeans aged 25 and above have received an opening credit of S$500, which will not expire and will be topped-up periodically by the government. For more information on the SFC scheme, please visit
If you wish to use your SFC to pay for part of the total course registration fee, please login to the SFC portal to submit the SFC Claim after you have received the registration acknowledgement (with the course fee breakdown) from us. The submission of claim to SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and SSG’s approval MUST be done within 60 days and before the first day of the workshop. SSG will NOT be able to approve your claim submission if it is submitted to them during and after the first day of the workshop.
S/N | SSG- Approved Courses | Funding Period |
1 | CIA Part 1 (Preparatory Course) | Valid till 31 Dec 2024 |
2 | CIA Challenge Exam Preparatory Course | Valid till 31 Dec 2024 |
2. Skills Development Fund (SDF) Funding - only for Company-sponsored
(Also known as Cat-C SSG Funded Courses)
SDF funding for Company-sponsored participants only is capped at $2 per training hour (Eligibility criteria apply).
S/N | SSG- Approved Courses | Funding Period |
1 | CIA Part 1 | Valid till 12 Dec 2023 |
2 | CIA Challenge Exam Preparatory Course | Valid till 2 Sep 2023 |
2.1. Eligibility Criteria for Company-sponsored employees:
- Company must be registered or incorporated in Singapore; and
- Applicant is taking the course for the first time; and
- Applicant must be employed, and is either Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident of Singapore; and
- Applicant must achieve at least 75% attendance, and pass all examinations /assessments; and
- Applicant must be fully sponsored by the Company for all costs associated with the training; and
- Payment has to be made via corporate means (e.g. corporate cheque, corporate GIRO, corporate credit card)
3. SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Funding - for Company-sponsored or Self-sponsored
(Also known as Cat-B SSG Funded Courses)
S/N | SSG- Approved Courses | Funding Period |
1 | COSO Internal Control Certificate | Valid till 22 May 2024 |
2 | COSO Enterprise Risk Management Certificate | Valid till 26 Apr 2025 |
3.1. Eligibility Criteria for Company-sponsored employees:
- Company must be registered or incorporated in Singapore; and
- Applicant is taking the course for the first time; and
- Applicant must be employed, and is either Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident of Singapore; and
- Applicant must achieve at least 75% attendance, and pass all examinations /assessments; and
- Applicant must be fully sponsored by the Company for all costs associated with the training; and
- Payment has to be made via corporate means (e.g. corporate cheque, corporate GIRO).
3.2. Eligibility Criteria for Self-sponsored individuals:
- Applicant must either be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident of Singapore; and
- Applicant must be at least 21 years old; and
- Applicant must achieve at least 75% attendance, and pass all assessments; and
- Payment has to be made fully by the applicant (i.e. paid for all necessary expenses to IIAS).
- Applicant is taking the course for the first time.
4. NTUC Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)
UTAP is a training benefit for NTUC members to defray their cost of training. This benefit is to encourage more NTUC members to go for skills upgrading.
NTUC members enjoy 50% *unfunded course fee support for up to $250 each year when you sign up for courses supported under UTAP. NTUC members aged 40 and above can enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per individual each year, capped at 50% of unfunded course fees, for courses attended between 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2022.
*Unfunded course fee refers to the balance course fee payable after applicable government subsidy. This excludes GST, registration fees, misc. fees etc.
Courses eligible for this funding would be shared soon.
4.1 Eligibility Criteria
All NTUC members can apply for UTAP. However, the following criteria must be met to be eligible for UTAP:
- Paid-up NTUC membership before course commenced, throughout whole course duration and at the point of claim
- Course by training provider must be supported under UTAP, and training must commence within the supported period
- Course must not be fully funded through company sponsorship or other types of funding
- *Unfunded course fee must be S$20 and above
- You must achieve a minimum of 75% attendance for each application and sat for all prescribed examination(s), if any
- UTAP application must be submitted within 6 months after course completion
To submit for UTAP claims or learn more about UTAP, please visit this link.