IA Awareness Month
The IIA encourages individuals and Institutes around the world to celebrate and promote awareness of the internal audit profession to our stakeholders.
International Internal Audit Awareness Month is celebrated each May with events and activities around the world. Whether you are an active IIA member or new to internal auditing, there are many things you can do to raise awareness of the internal audit profession among audit customers, executive management, and boards of directors, students and others in the business community. Follow the conversation on #IIAMay.
Get inspiration through The IIA's complimentary Building Awareness Toolkit to see how professionals around the world have been celebrating the month throughout these years. The toolkit features a digital icon, articles, videos and customisable PowerPoint presentations for you and your team in awareness-building efforts. Do your part and be an ambassador for internal audit!
IA Awareness Month 2024
Find out more here.
- Exclusive Invitation For International Internal Audit Awareness Month
- Join The Pledge For Good: Celebrating International Internal Audit Awareness Month
- Exclusive May Offer: Save 10% on All Courses!
- May Is International Internal Audit Awareness Month - Celebrate With Us!
IA Awareness Month 2023
Find out more here.
- IIA Singapore | Free CPE Webinars For The Month Of May
- IIA Academy| Enjoy 10% discount Only In May!
- Secure Your Seat For Xchange Nite With IIA Singapore Young Professionals Working Group (YPWG)
- IIA Singapore Invitation | Join Us For An Exclusive Networking Night On 25 May 2023
- Advance Your Career in Internal Auditing With CRMA Certification - 20% Off In May 2023!
IA Awareness Month 2022
Find out more here.
IA Awareness Month 2021
Find out more here.
- International Internal Audit Awareness Month - Participate and Win Attractive Prizes
- International IA Awareness Month - Solve the Puzzle and Be Rewarded
- How Can We Make Your IIA Singapore Membership Work For You
Building Awareness Champion 2020
Although 2020 has been anything but normal, we continue to promote the value of internal audit brings to stakeholders through various virtual professional development programmes and initiatives. In recognition of our professional commitment made during International Internal Audit Awareness Month in May and the months since to promote the value of internal audit brings to stakeholders, IIA Global presented IIA Singapore with the 2020 Building Awareness Champion award. A big thank you to our members, partners and stakeholders for their continued support during these unprecedented times. It is through the collective efforts of everyone that we raise the profile of internal auditors as key to the success of their organisations.
IA Awareness Month 2019
Be part of our activities as we celebrate and promote awareness of the Internal Audit profession to our stakeholders.
A-pplication for New Members
You enjoy the benefits and privileges of being an IIA Singapore member. There is no better time to spread the AWAREness by encouraging new colleagues and friends to enjoy the application fee waiver of S$21.40 for Individual membership, and S$107 for Corporate membership for FY2019/2020. Sign up now to enjoy the savings!
W-here our New Office is now Located
Are you AWARE that the Institute is now located at 137 Telok Ayer Street? We have a larger reception and a larger library for you, simply because you deserve a larger welcome! So pop in for a coffee or for a read!
A-ppetite for Excellence
Our monthly Learn At Lunch talks which you must already be AWARE of, continue as usual on the second Thursday, 9 May 2019. Enjoy a hearty lunch and raise your AWAREness of the challenges faced if and when someone becomes a whistleblower. Don’t miss the chance to learn more about real-life illustrations and partake in short case examples with role plays now! Register for this talk here and earn one CPE hour for Ethics.
R-ewards for the Analytical Mind
We are all AWARE that audit work can be tough and challenging but rewarding. But do you know what’s fun and challenging and just as rewarding? A crossword puzzle! Solve our crossword puzzle in May and stand to be rewarded with a personally autographed copy of The Speed of Risk: Lessons Learned on the Audit Trail, 2nd Edition, by IIA Global President and CEO Richard Chambers.
E-nter for FREE to our Annual Conference
From time to time, we need to be more AWARE of your ideas and feedback to help us to improve in order to serve you better. Complete our membership survey and stand a chance to win one conference pass to our 2019 IIA Singapore 2-day Annual Conference in October 2019. We listen to your feedback - help us help you. Complete the survey online by 25 June 2019.
IA Awareness Month 2018
Be part of our activities as we celebrate and promote awareness of the Internal Audit profession to our stakeholders.
1. So you MAY improve your knowledge
Artificial intelligence (AI) has arrived and organisations are increasingly incorporating the advances AI brings into operations. Hear from GIC and Handshakes experts on how you can prepare your Internal Audit team to provide assurance over AI and capitalise on its efficiencies in audit plans and activities.
Register here now for the Learn At Lunch talk on 21 May 2018 to find out more about IA’s role in AI. Participants will clock 1 CPE hour and receive a surprise take-away as well!
2. So you MAY accelerate your career
Earning the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) credential is an important step towards demonstrating your core Internal Audit competencies and knowledge. Sign up here for the complimentary CIA briefing session on 9 May 2018 to find out how you can shift your career into high gear.
For a limited time, you can take advantage of the application fee waiver for the CIA through May. You could save up to US$115 on the only globally recognised certification for Internal Audit. To qualify, you must be an existing IIA Singapore member and complete the certification application by 31 May 2018. Click here to apply.
3. So you MAY expand your network
Everyone could use an introduction every now and then. The right contacts at the right place and time can be priceless. Held on 16 May 2018, our Networking Night offers an excellent opportunity to get reacquainted with old friends and meet new members in a relaxed setting. Join us for an evening of catch-up over good food and drinks by signing up here.
4. So you MAY help others save
Encourage your colleagues or friends to join the Internal Audit fraternity and at the same time enjoy a waiver of the one-time application fee of S$21.40 and S$107, for new Individual and Corporate membership applications respectively. Applications must be submitted within the month of May. Sign up here!
5. So we MAY know you better
Our Membership Survey brings us closer and helps us to improve in order to serve you better. A lucky participant of the online survey will win one complimentary pass to the 2018 Global Internal Audit Leadership Summit and Annual Conference happening from 17 to 19 October. So don’t hold back, we would love to hear from you. Click here to take the survey.
6. So you MAY be competitive
From 1 to 31 May 2018, share your views in 50 words or less on how Data Analytics helps you to achieve your organisation’s objectives. Two lucky members stand to walk away with book prizes, the “Data Analytics Bundle” and “Assessing and Managing Strategic Risks”. Share your views by completing the form here and emailing to events@iia.org.sg now.
Let us all come together to elevate the profession! Register now and join us in celebrating Internal Audit Awareness Month.