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CIA Learning System

The IIA's CIA Learning System was updated and redesigned to provide the most personalised, flexible, and efficient Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) study experience for express, exam day success. It remains the only CIA exam preparation program that aligns The IIA's professional knowledge, training and certification expertise.

This comprehensive and interactive online CIA review program teaches and reinforces the CIA exam syllabi and International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) in a flexible, on-demand format, tailored to your current knowledge gaps, learning style, and schedule. Log in on any device whenever you have a spare minute to study and choose a learning activity that fits your schedule.


For enquiries, please contact certification@iia.org.sg or 6324 9029.


CIA Exam Preparation Resources
Limited copies of the CIA Exam Practice Question books are available to members for loan. Members can reserve and collect the books either by contacting us at secretariat@iia.org.sg or 6324 9029.