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Membership Renewal
Current active members who are renewing membership in the new term, please log in to the Member Portal. Please update your member profile where applicable and complete the renewal process. You can follow the step-by-step instructions, which will guide you through the membership renewal process.
Existing members who are eligible to apply and renew as a Retired Member, please go to the Member Portal to submit a reclassification request.
Existing members who renew their membership for FY2024/2025 will receive a S$100 training credit. Click on the FAQ for instructions on how to redeem them.
Certification Renewal Requirements
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is integral in ensuring that internal audit practitioners continue to keep their knowledge and skills current with industry developments. It equips practitioners with the ability to evolve with the changing industry landscape and enhances their professionalism and value within the industry.
As part of the annual certification renewal requirements, all certification holders are required to file and renew their IIA certifications through the CCMS yearly by 31 December of each calendar year. Access the Certification Renewal Policy for requirements for certification programmes
Effective 2018, all members are expected to achieve a minimum of 10 CPE hours, out of which, a minimum of 2 CPE hours has to be under Ethics, to continue to enjoy the benefits of your IIA Singapore membership. The 10 CPE hours are not an add-on to the annual certification renewal for maintaining your designations for certification holders. As the renewal requirements for certifications are more onerous, you would be deemed to have fulfilled this as long as the certifications are renewed on an annual basis. Click here for the FAQ.