Learn at Lunch: Use of Data Analytics for Audit Insights
To commemorate and celebrate the International IA Awareness Month, Learn at Lunch was held at Over The Counter (OTC) Café at the National Library on 11 May 2017 where close to 70 participants attended the event. The participants were delighted as they networked over lunch and IIA celebratory muffins before they proceeded to hear a sharing by Mr. Jimmy Ng, Managing Director and Head of Group Audit, DBS Bank on Use of Data Analytics for Audit Insights. Mr. Ng shared practical examples as to how data analytics could be leveraged to better provide insights and foresights for audit.
In addition, participants were also encouraged to participate in the series of activities organized in line with the International IA Awareness Month i.e. crossword puzzle contest and membership survey where they stand a chance to win attractive prizes for their submissions to the Institute.
The session ended off with the Institute providing participants with an “I 764 IA” candies as a memorable takeaway for the celebratory event. All in all, it was a fun-filled session and we certainly hope that everyone has enjoyed themselves and benefited from the sharing!
View more photos here.