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42nd Annual General Meeting

IIA Singapore's 42nd Annual General Meeting was held on 30 August 2018 at M Hotel which saw an attendance of over 60 members. The AGM provided a platform for the Board of Governors to meet with members and hear their views.















IIA Singapore President Tan Boon Yen provided an overview of the key milestones that the Institute had achieved during the past year to prepare members for the future economy.

Pursuant to the change in the By-Laws adopted at last year’s AGM to strengthen the Institute’s corporate governance, six Governors retired by rotation and did not seek re-election. They are Treasurer Abdul Hamid Bin Abdullah, Governor Audrey Huang, Governor Andrew Koh, Governor Uantchern Loh, Governor Tan Peck Leng and Governor Teo Chee Khiang.

Tokens of appreciation were presented to the outgoing Governors.

The AGM also saw the election of six new members comprising:

  1. Vincent Cheang, Managing Director and Director of Internal Audit, GIC; 
  2. Goh Chin Yee, Executive Vice President and Head of Group Audit, OCBC Bank;
  3. Debbie Goh, Senior Vice President, Group Internal Audit, Fraser & Neave Group;
  4. Lim Boon Chye, Chief Audit Executive, Central Provident Fund Board;
  5. Nicodemus Tan, Associate Director, Finance and Operations Audit (APAC), United Technologies Corporation and
  6. Patricia Tan, Associate Professor, Division of Accounting, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University.

Find out more about the new Governors from page 21 to 25 HERE.

Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the 2017/2018 Governors by IIA Singapore President Tan Boon Yen.

Membership Recognition Awards were presented to 25-year, 20-year and 15-year loyal members of IIA Singapore.

IIA Singapore Vice President Sia Nam Chie presented certificates to new CIA certification holders. 

Congratulations to the three lucky members for winning the top three prizes. 

Click here for more photos.