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Anderson Junior College Career Symposium

Sparking the internal flame of Internal Audit

Mr Raj Bux - IIA Singapore Governor and Head of Internal Audit, Asia Pacific, VISA Worldwide  attended a banking and finance career symposium at Anderson Junior College (AJC) on 23 May 2018. 

Two 1-hour sessions were held, allowing the close-to-200 students to listen to Mr Bux share about the differences between internal and external audit, and the skills desired by internal audit.  Two other speakers from DBS and PwC also shared about their experiences working in corporate banking and external auditing respectively. 

The session has allowed me to gain more insights and learn what are the different jobs available in this sector.”- Student from AJC

I have learnt more about the working world and the kinds of mindset that I should possess when entering the workforce.”- Student from AJC

With the frank and open discussions, particularly with the 1-to-1 talk with the panel, internal auditing should become yet another feasible career option for these youths.

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