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IIAS - AiSP Evening Talk - Keeping Your Data Secure for Your Day to Day Business

IIA Singapore and AiSP jointly organised an evening talk on “Keeping your Data Secure for your Day To Day Business” on 6 December 2018 at Singapore Management University.

Technology and data now permeate all aspects of business and operations, from customer data to intellectual property to HR records. The workplace is increasingly becoming a digital environment, and protecting this technological information is no longer a priority but has become a necessity for companies and government agencies around the world.

With speakers representing AiSP and Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), the event saw the participation of over 20 IIA Singapore members who were interested to learn more on how to build a cybersecurity strategy that focuses on anticipating and mitigating risks, and building organisational resilience. The speakers included Mr Steven Wong, President of AiSP, Mr Johnny Kho and Mr Tok Yee Ching, AiSP EXCO Committee Members and Mr Yum Shoen Yih, Deputy Director for Government Cybersecurity Consultancy, Critical Information Infrastructure Division of CSA.

Indeed, cybersecurity has arguably emerged as the single biggest concern for businesses today, as even the best fortified businesses can fall prey to data security attacks and threats. Internal audit plays a key role in reviewing security measures and controls, uncovering areas of concern, and identifying opportunities to strengthen organisational security.

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