Environment, Social and Governance Risks and Considerations for Internal Audit Functions
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues represent a growing area of focus among today’s stakeholders. Business leaders face increased pressure to address these challenges. But ESG risks are complex and dynamic, making them challenging to predict, monitor, and manage.
Over 440 participants from IIA Singapore and ACCA Singapore attended the webinar “Environment, Social and Governance Risks and Considerations for Internal Audit Functions” on 9 September 2021. Presented by Cherine Fok, Director, Sustainability Services, KPMG IMPACT, she shared how internal auditors must keep abreast of ESG developments and carefully consider their potential impact on the organisation.
Internal auditors must ask, and have answers to, five key questions regarding the organisation’s ESG-related activities.
- Has the organisation established a structured ESG framework? If so, how is it integrated with the Three Lines Model?
- Does the organisation possess the expertise, and a suitable culture, to manage ESG effectively?
- What ESG topics are being measured and reported, and why?
- What processes and controls already exist over ESG data collection and reporting?
- What is the organisation currently publishing in its ESG reporting?
This panel discussion is the last of the 4-part Governance, Risk and Compliance lunchtime webinar series organised in partnership with ACCA Singapore.