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An Insider Guide to Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

On 19 August 2021, more than 40 participants attended the SID AC Chapter Pit-Stop session. Organised in collaboration with the Singapore Institute of Directors, the virtual presentation on “An Insider Guide to Cryptocurrency and Blockchain” was conducted by Ms Zann Kwan, CEO and Co-founder of Bitcoin Exchange.

IIA Singapore President Koh Chin Beng spoke about the role of internal audit and its value to organisations. He also took the opportunity to highlight Singapore Exchange Regulation’s publication titled Regulator's Column: What SGX RegCo Expects of Issuers' Internal Audit Function”.

Ms Kwan brought participants up to speed on the development of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology (also known as distributed ledger technology). She covered the life cycle of a cryptocurrency asset and the current regulatory landscape, as well as an overview of the various forms of token offerings and the value and relevance of virtual assets. The speaker's expertise and knowledge was helpful in clarifying issues raised in the question-and-answer session.

As organisations begin to embrace blockchain in their digital transformation journeys, it is critical that business leaders get up to speed in their knowledge and understanding of the technology driving it.