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Happy Auditors, Happy Minds: Your Mental Health Is Important

Internal auditors like all other professionals, have our share of good and bad days. While a little stress has been known to be a good motivator, too much tension, anxiety and pressure are bad for our mental health and can lead to burnout. How do we know if we are okay? How do we identify that threshold which controls our sanity? Is what we are feeling from day-to-day ‘normal’?

Organised by IIA Singapore Young Professionals Working Group, over 70 participants attended a fireside chat, “Happy Auditors, Happy Minds: Your Mental Health Is Important” on 17 May 2022 to pick up tips on how to improve one’s mental health amid these challenging times.

Thank you to our speakers Chuen Choon Peng (Vice President, Internal Audit, GIC), IIA Singapore YPWG members, Katherine Ang, Natalie Goh, and moderator Irene See for sharing their insights on the various coping mechanisms used to handle common issues and not-so-common obstacles.