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Building a career in Internal Audit – Advisory, Assurance and More

Following a successful run of the internal audit outreach series targeted at Institutes of Higher Learning in 2021, the IIA Singapore Young Professionals Working Group (YPWG) was back with new content and a new line-up of speakers.

On 18 August 2022, IIA Singapore YPWG, along with guest speaker, Tan Suan Ee (Head, Internal Audit at Ministry of Social and Family Development and National Council of Social Service, and Vice President of IIA Singapore) introduced the students from Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) to a career beyond traditional assurance. Through Ms Tan’s sharing, the undergraduates gained insights into the purpose of internal audit in the public sector, and better appreciated the internal auditor’s important role of providing independent and objective assurance, and advice on the adequacy and effectiveness of governance and risk management.

Aptly titled “Building a career in Internal Audit – Advisory, Assurance and More”, the YPWG members – Koh Yong Chuan, Fiona Tan and Victor Wong also expounded about the varied work of internal audit and how each day is ‘never the same’. Indeed, the 17 SUSS students who registered for the talk now have a better understanding that internal audit as a career choice is both challenging and rewarding career.