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The Role of Internal Audit in Cyber Security Readiness & Resilience

The lunch talk, “The Role of Internal Audit in Cyber Security Readiness & Resilience” on 8 September 2022 was organised as an in-person event, where 30 participants came together to learn more about the trends on cyber audit focus areas, and how best to approach auditing cyber risks.

With cybercrime being one of the fastest growing risks, the board and audit committees face an urgent need to understand their company’s position as it relates to cyber risk management. In her presentation, Wendy Lim, Partner, Cyber Security Consulting, KPMG Singapore highlighted that implementing a successful control environment and cyber resilience in an organisation is no longer the responsibility of IT departments only. In today’s interconnected world, cyber resilience is a major responsibility of the entire organisation’s staff and executives. To this end, internal audit plays a critical role in assessing the organisation’s overall strategy for identifying and dealing with emerging threats from a governance, operational and technology perspective. Participants also had the opportunity to learn about the trends on cyber audit focus areas, and how best to approach auditing cyber risks.

Members can access this latest IIA Global Technology Audit Guide, “Auditing Cybersecurity Operations: Prevention and Detection,” which helps practitioners gain a better understanding of high-level control objectives of cybersecurity, allowing them to maximise the value they add during their audit engagements and advisory services.