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SSG Funding on COSO IC Certificate

Course Reference No

Funding Validity Period
22 Jun 2022 to 22 May 2024

Course Fees & Funding (in SGD)
The fees for participants who are not Singaporeans and permanent residents (PRs) are:

  • $2,100 (before GST) for IIA/ISACA member;
  • $2,340 (before GST) for affiliate member (ACCA/ISCA); and
  • $2,600 (before GST) for non-member

Participants who are Singaporeans and PRs, please refer to the below funding breakdown table.

Payment Modes

  • Eligible employer-sponsored applicant must be fully sponsored by the Company for all costs associated with the training (i.e. Payment has to be made via corporate means e.g. corporate cheque, corporate GIRO).
  • Eligible self-sponsored participant should only make payment upon receipt of the invoice with nett fees via Credit Card, or Bank Transfer.

Terms & Conditions under SSG Training Grant:

  • Participant is required to achieve at least 75% attendance and sit and pass the prescribed assessment/examination to qualify for SSG Training Grant. (Note: SSG deadline for completion of assessment is 14 days from the course end date.

  • Participant is eligible for only one of the below funding scheme.

  • All self-sponsored participants/sponsoring employers would need to pay the nett fee (i.e. full course fee less the SSG training grant) upfront to IIAS.  

  • All self-sponsored participants/sponsoring employers would need to submit their participants’ complete particulars to IIAS at least 2 weeks prior to the course start date.

  • In the event that the participant/sponsoring employer fails to meet any of the requirements set under the funding scheme and thereby resulting in his/her application for funding claim being rejected by the respective funding agency due to any reasons, the participant/sponsoring employer is liable to pay the balance of the full course fee (i.e. full course fees less nett course fees) to IIAS.

  • Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement (TRAQOM) surveys by SSG: Sponsoring employers/participants are required to provide IIAS with their participant's full name, NRIC/FIN/Passport number, personal email address and mobile number to facilitate the conduct of TRAQOM surveys as required by SkillsFuture Singapore. Sponsoring employers/participant may indicate their participant’s NRIC/FIN/Passport number in “Remarks” field during online registration at IIAS registration portal. All participants are strongly encouraged to complete the TRAQOM quality and/or outcomes surveys. Click here for FAQ.

Course Fees and Subsidies Breakdown

The below table shows the amount of fees and subsidies under each of the funding schemes (w.e.f. 1 January 2022).

Funding Schemes Available

Funding for self-sponsored or Eligible employer-sponsored training is available under the SSG Training Grant for participants who are Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PRs). The funding schemes available are:

  1. Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy - Singaporeans aged 40 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 70% of the course fee

  2. Enhanced Training Support for SMEs - SME-sponsored employees (Singaporeans and PRs) may enjoy subsidies up to 70% of the course fee.

  3. SSG Training Grant - Singaporeans and Permanent Residents aged above 21 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 50% of the course fee.

  4. Absentee payroll funding is available to help eligible employers (excluding government entities) defray the manpower costs incurred when they sponsor their employees (Singaporeans and PRs) to attend this course.

What to do next if you or your applicant are eligible for the SSG Training Grant:

Step 1: Please email the completed registration form to IIA Academy at iia-academy@iia.org.sg. We will update you upon successful registration of the course.

Eligible applicants for SSG funding:
Please submit the completed SSG Funding Application form to iia-academy@iia.org.sg at least 3 weeks before course date.

Note: As the agent to submit the SSG Training Grant on behalf of the applicants, IIA Singapore will be collecting the identification details of these applicants.

Step 2: IIAS would issue an invoice for the nett course fee upon receipt of the respective approved Training Grant application. Kindly make the payment upon receipt of the invoice, prior to the course start date, to secure your seat.